
Healthy body weight estimation method


If more energy is supplied than consumed, the excess calories are stored in the form of fat. Neither severe overweight nor underweight is healthy. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a calculation method for assessing the body weight of an adult.

BMI body mass index = body weight in kg / (height in m)2

As a person with diabetes you should aim for a normal BMI value (see also table below), because the higher the overweight, the worse the effect of insulin. Losing weight improves the metabolic situation through improved insulin action.

Being overweight has a negative influence on the course of diabetes, as it worsens the effect of insulin in the body. In addition, overweight is a risk factor for increased cholesterol levels, cardiovascular diseases (such as high blood pressure, heart attack), damage to the musculoskeletal system, etc.


BMI classification for adults


BMI (kg/m2)



Normal weight

18,5 - 24,9


> 25,0


25 - 29,9
Obesity I30 - 34,9
Obesity II35 - 39,9
Obesity III≥ 40

Table 1: Classification according to WHO 2000